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Friday, June 17, 2011

Supanova - Sydney | Pop Culture Expo Preview


It's that time of year again...Supanova 2011 is almost upon us.

If you have plans for this weekend, cancel them, and if you are planning on attending, then tell your other friends to cancel their plans and come along...No, I'm not being paid to endorse Supanova, however, I think it's just a really fun event for festivalgoers. How can an event about aliens, vampires, monsters, demons, creatures, mutants, robots, superheroes, tv and film stars be boring?

Get your glomp on - but dont forget to ask

Get into Cosplay - get creative and dress up as your favourite character! 

If you do love the cooky world of science fiction, still collect cards/comics/toys/transformers (it's ok, this is a safe place) or can't stop drawing anime characters - then Supanova will help you celebrate your passions. 


Friday, June 10, 2011

1st Anniversary Competition Winner!

Entries for the competition are now closed and we have a winner!

...And the winner is...

Gines from imagesofparra

Congratulations!! I will be contacting you for your details on where to send your lovely prize.

xox Love,

Festival Girl


Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Rocks Head On Photo Festival 2011 Exhibition | Saltwater Country

Festival Girl Rates:

The Rocks is the host of two photography exhibitions as part of Sydney's biggest celebration of photography, the annual Head on Photo Festival. The exhibitions, Discovering Country - NSW Pathways and Saltwater Country are unique representations celebrating the stories, Aboriginal culture and natural environments of New South Wales and the Dampier Peninsula in Western Australia.

Originally apart of the the 2010 Guringai festival, Saltwater Country is a collaborative project between photographer Sally Mayman and artist Dale Kentwell that celebrates the beauty and richness of the land and it's people. Artist Dale Kentwell believes, "the narratives in these works are about the lines and concerns of the people I sketched in their land and then painted in their landscape." 
Kentwell has a strong interest in environmental and social issues and through his works, is able to weave ideas of Stolen generation and truth about the people involved.

It was great to see the cultural theme bounce off each other from the realistic photographs, to the surreal colourful paintings of childlike wonderment of portraits in natural landscape settings. A nice juxtaposition of faded real life and colour dream-like paintings.

 Inscribed on one of portraits, "People don't know how good it is to live on your own land. It's the best thing for me. I'll have it no other way." This idea really made me consider how rarely many of us in our modern city dwellings, take the time to exist within nature and really appreciate the beauty and sustenance it provides to people and creatures.

"Handouts?... By the time we get any assistance from the government, 60% goes to administration and gets whittled down through the heirachy...We don't get much really. They can provide services without taking our land (Mullibor)"

"I spent a lot of time teaching the children...telling them what is right and what is wrong. They mustn't forget their culture as it is important...We have to get along in both societies...(Geibuk)" It is wonderful to see people using the land, the same way it was being used for thousands of years. 

"I was born here … went to school here at Lombadina and worked with the nuns here at the convent as a domestic ….. all the hard stuff. I still love the land. I would love to see the young ones keep the culture going …. (Mardarwinge.)"

"Everybodys’ spirit must shine…….including mine.. (Dumingoord.)"

"I want to see my son catch agoorlil (turtle) …… If the gas comes here, his daddy can’t teach him …….. (Ngoong.)"

One of the photographs featured, of a father and son says, "I hope there are still dugong and turtle for my son to hunt." Simply touching - not only is the father referring to the loss in culture as communities are encouraged to integrate in 'white' society, he is also referencing the dwindling numbers of wildlife due to modern society's over fishing, causing many species to the brink of extinction. 

The sepia colour of the images really enhance a sense of a moment caught in time - and makes you think about if these cultural communities and practices still be around in the future? The answer seems to point to sadly, possibly no, which is quite devastating considering the beauty, the appreciation that these communities consider to be all they have ever known and love.

The poignant images really touches you on a human level - they have a voice and show you this community are made up of real people. The precious relationships portrayed in the images, are the same that you may have with your mother, father, uncle, siblings or grandmother.
 "What I do has meaning from my heart. I do this for my country and my people."

As you navigate around the space, the odd and even pattern set up for the exhibition creates a visual intrigue, and entices you to keep exploring.  in the room.

Also, there are seemingly random paintings leaning against walls - now either this is a serious lack of nails or intentional, I guess I'll never know. But I would like to try to see it as method to represent the displacement of the identity, culture and lives of those involved in the tragic separation of families and cultures. 

As I quickly passed by this alleyway in the Rocks, I had to take a few steps back and take a photograph for you. The lighting on this tree at the time of day was perfection - I wish I had my SLR to better illustrate, but it was such a peaceful hideaway in all the city hustle and bustle. Which leads into the Discovering Country exhibition I visited here...

Images from here and here


Date: Wednesday 25 May - Sunday 12 June 2011
Times: 11am - 7pm
Location: 47 George Street (cnr George and Atherden streets)
Cost: FREE

****Don't forget to enter my competition to win a pair of earrings. ****

All you have to do is comment about your best festival experience here  

xox Love,

Festival Girl


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ice Sculpture Polar Bear | Circular Quay

I went to see sculptor Mark Coreth's Ice Bear that is located in front of the Customs House in Circular Quay, Sydney. So what's the story behind the Ice Bear? The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the need for urgent action on climate change. 

If you want to check it out, don't wait to long - as this is what the sculpture looks like now...

Pretty grim, huh? It's amazing how many people just wanted to touch and interact with the sculpture

Yep, there is not much left of it, except the skeleton of an endangered species. It's so sad. 

Carved from a 10-tonne block of ice, the two-metre polar bear, was frozen around a bronze skeleton in Britain before being sent to Australia where it was lifted by crane into Customs House Square. Renowned English sculptor Mark Coreth, says he got the inspiration for the sculpture when he stayed with native Inuits in northern Canada.
It's instinctual, everyone wants walks up to pet the bear, Coreth mentions "when you touch the bear you can feel the ice melting under your hand ... this is the human impact." He goes on, "When the ice goes from the Ice Bear, there will always be a bear, but it will be very different bear. It will be a skeleton, a pool of water, and a powerful message."

If you'd like to donate to this cause, you can do it here
If you can go see it, it really sends a powerful message

xox, Love

Festival Girl


Monday, June 6, 2011

The Rocks Head On Photo Festival 2011 Exhibition | Discovering Country - NSW pathways

Aboriginal engravings Series No. XI, 2009. Jibbon Point, Royal National Park.
 Festival Girl Rates: 8/10

Discovering Country - NSW pathways is currently being held at the The Rocks Discovery Museum and is apart of the Head On photography exhibition. The photography exhibition is inspired by the beauty and heritage of some of New South Wales' most valued and precious locations.

I think one of the photographers that spoke to me the most, were that of Peter Solness. His works are incredibly engaging and really quite wonderful to get lost in. 

Solitary Rock, Burning Palms Beach 2009, Royal National Park.

Solness managed to create an interesting subject from a rock - it has a big personality and becomes an engaging point in the image. I love the blue, hyper-coloured wash over the background, where the only thing that seems real, is the surreal giant rock.

Featuring nine photographers, the Discovering Country - NSW pathways illustrates some of the State's most beautiful natural destinations including The Rocks, Sydney Harbour National Park, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Booderee National Park, Montague Island Nature Reserve and Royal National Park.

Splendid Rock, 2010. Royal National Park
There is something so striking about seeing images of natural Australia on a large canvas. It can really take your breath away. I enjoy how the light plays with the ferns and really enhances the vibrant green earthy colours.

As I mentioned, there were another eight photographers featured. I really liked the works of Rene Vogelzang. I love this image, as the photographer has managed to capture a moment in nature where it almost looks like nature is trying to communicate and say something to us. Freaky.

Photographs from the exhibition can purchased through the Discovery Photographers website.

Dates: Thursday 5 May - Saturday 11 June 2011
Times: 10am - 5pm
Location: The Rocks Discovery Museum, Kendall Lane, The Rocks
Cost: FREE

Images from here and here

xox, Love 

Festival Girl


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vivid Sydney Festival | Review

Festival Girl Rates: 9.5/10

This weekend past celebrated the opening of Vivid Sydney Festival. As I've been to a number of events, I usually try to pre organise the highlights to see and the festival track I will take. However, this evening turned out to be quite different than I first anticipated. 

So I was supposed to meet up with a friend that I haven't seen in a few weeks, but called saying she couldn't make it. So I decided, hey, what the heck, and decided to go by myself anyway.

I was standing in front of the Rocks Markets, about to snap away, when I bumped into another old friend and they invited me to head to around the corner to a pub for a few drinks. Hmm what to do? Stick my Festival Girl duties and report back to you guys...Or get a few cocktail with some new friends? Well, I decided to try do both. Although, I got a bit sidetracked, I did manage to grab a few snaps for you.

Just before 6pm lights were 'switched on'


Oh so quirky

Paint splashed MCA

The Opera House, clearly the focal point of the city centre, was lit up by Paris-based ditigal projection artists Superbien. In this, the artists project 2d art works that are projected upon the 3d Opera House sails.

In it's third year, Vivid Sydney Festival will be celebrated for 18 days around the Sydney Opera House, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Rocks - each evening at 6pm, the lights illuminated the city with over 43 installations by local and international artists. Even skyscrapers were lit up to dress the city. 

This street performer with one arm hook controlled a modern day didgeridoo. Some pretty funky sounds were dancing to the lights.
 Kids and adults mesmerized with all the lights
The vision of all the lights around the harbour is truly captivating. Standing around the lights of Sydney with friends or loved ones and being engaged in discussions about art - the idea goes back to an old notion...back to the age when man sat around a campfire and participated in discussions of new ideas, poetry and their imagination. 

Hope you can make it down and see the lights

Find out more details here

****Don't forget to enter my competition to win a pair of earrings. ****

All you have to do is comment about your best festival experience here 

xox, Love 

Festival Girl

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