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Monday, January 10, 2011

Sydney Festival | Review by Festival Girl

Festival Girl Rates: 8.5/10

Okay, so I've only been able to review day one of the Sydney Festival, but what a perfect night it was. The event on Saturday night had over a million people attending and is the event everyone is raving about. This a great FREE event to bring the family, a loved one, that special someone or just your best mates to hang out, get some culture and have a good time. This the time to let loose and dance around in circles barefoot.

The crowd was entertained by a number of talented entertainers including circus company Circa, Ali Mills and The Ukeladies, Eddie Perfect, Arrested Development, Smoke and Mirrors plus heaps more.


First stop: Hyde Park. I mananged to catch The Dynamites Featuring soul man Charles Walker, and man, can he sing! As we finally arrived to meet some of our friends, after spending too many split seconds standing to greet our friends, I was (rudely) told to 'sit down' by a couple watching the show. There's nothing more annoying than those people, the shushers. Thank you Mr Seinfeld.

Walking around Hyde Park, the trees were lit up with colours lights as foam fans pushed the wonderful foam around as people weaved the walk ways. It felt like I had suddenly walked into a foam party and almost expected shiny disco balls to drop from the sky. Well, there actually were disco balls. I guess the event had everything.

Festival First Night decor reminded me of a circus wonderland where even the ancient trees were dressed in sequins for the night. 

The prepared festival goers (not me) bought picnic blankets, beach chairs, box of wine (ssh, don't tell anyone) and some nibblies.

Such a serene sight to see city goers sitting, grooving to the music and having  a cruisey evening. ANZ who I presume were sponsorhing the event, wee giving out these nifty fans with light up message. 1) I wish I could turn off the light, as it was blinding me when I wanted to fan myself. 2) Me feels the 'subliminal' messaging was a bit too, in my face; pardon the pun.

Perhaps Silverchair said it best; Across the night, was the moon that stole my slumber
Across the night, I fell in love with people sleeping. What a crazy night. The weather was perfect but many were prepared for rain but really, not even a drop. 0 - Sydney weather: 1 -Sydney goers.

We ended the night at the domain, to see Arrested Development, not the show, but the band. You may remember them from this song.

With major roads were closed, the Festival First Night let the people reclaim the streets. In fact, it kind of reminded me of an apocalyptic Zombieland world where zombies were roaming the streets. 

Walking along William Street, I nearly had a heart attack when fireworks went off at the Australian Museum for the Your Name in Lights presentation by conceptual artist John Baldessari. A very sucessful work I might add as passers by were mesmerised and shrieking with delight when their name appeared. If you want your name up in lights too, you can Register here.


At Chifley Square, New Zealand artist Michel Tuffery M.N.Z.M. presents First Contact, a 12-storey high multi-media projection artwork based on Captain Cook's exploration of the South Pacific. A live soundtrack is provided by DJ NOMAD alongside SouthPacific dancers and drummers.

Over at The Domain Nukkan Ya Ruby celebrates the life and music of Ngarrindjeri singer-songwriter Ruby Hunter. Archie Roach heads a line-up that includes Amos Roach, Dave Arden, Paul Kelly, Renee Geyer, Tiddas and Dan Sultan, with director Rhoda Roberts at the helm in a triumphant celebration of one of Australia's true music legends. Then Emmylou Harris and her Red Dirt Boys are set to dazzle as they traverse Americana, bluegrass, country and folk.

Martin Place will explode with some of the best global sounds, including Hanggai from China's progressive music scene, Senegal's Daara J Family and hip-hop collective Arrested Development.

Coffee lover?

$1 coffee in Hyde Park. Download your $1 coffee voucher and present at the Republica Coffee stall at the Hyde Park Silver Screen on Saturday 8 January from 3pm - 8pm. DOWNLOAD NOW!


It took us an hour and a half to find parking. That's got to be a new record. I saw people get so desperate that they tried to squish their sedan into a spot that a smart car would struggle to fit in. My advice, Leave the car at home for major events.

Also, it seemed like perhaps Cityrail and the festival organisers did not consider Sydney's West as both major train lines are having train works for much of January. A shame really. 

Dammit, I missed it? Well, this particular event is over, the festival will be running through January at various locations.


1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)

    Great post! Looks like you were there for the parts that I missed at the other end of the night. I was one of the ones that wasn't prepared either - grass stains on my clothes can attest to that!


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