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Friday, December 3, 2010

Stereosonic 2010 - The Review by Festival Girl

 Festival Girl Rates: 8.5/10

Stereosonic Sydney 2010 went off! These Stereosonic pictures are a combination of my crappy phone and my mate's camera. There is nothing I love more than a full day festival - even the weather was perfect considering Sydney's bipolar weather.

There is a certain electricity that an event like this causes. An excitement in the air that makes you think maybe they are putting something in the drinking water. This electricity causes buff guys to instantly remove their shirts and girls who only own denim short shorts to dance, celebrate and be merry. 

Honestly, I don't really know the artists and music all that well. But I must say, I am now a fan and keen to go and hear more from these artists. I can hear the cynics out there saying, 'pft Stereosonic has become to mainstream and not hard core enough,' and maybe so, but, like any thing in life your party is only as good as the mates you're with. Some of the best times I've ever had have been at average places.

After way too many vodka slushies, I found myself sitting on the grass surrounded by my friends looking up at the night sky and seeing the music and fireworks dance with each other. One of best nights out I've had in a long time. That's all I'll divulge about the night becuase what happens in Stereosonic, stays in Stereosonic.

Thanks CityRail, definitely the best way to get to the gig

Ooh excitment! So bloody hot! Not the guy, the weather... Well the guy is not bad... Moving on

My beautiful friend with her beautiful Mimco hat - Pompoms, my fav - Get it here

This lil guy is all tuckered out

Olympic Park was a buzz with 'excited' youth that are definitely high on life...

Mario and Luigi - Sweet. Lovin' the homemade necklaces. 

Holy Smoke, its Batman.... Na na na na na na.. BATMAN

This reminds me of Wonderland... Sigh, bring back Wonderland!


...and friends

Spider Pig, Spider Pig... I mean Spider Man, Spider Man...

Yes we like to party - lovin the effort, Batman, Robin, Poison Ivy and even Fred Flindstone in the background

Giant Bumble Bees! 

The Main Stadium where we spent most of our time. Thousands of people chillin out.

Who wears short shorts? We wear short shorts

And then it got darker. Excitement! From this point, the rest of the night is a bit Hazy, but really went nuts when Tiesto came on.

Festival Girl Lowlights: 

Gross, gross, gross, gross toilets. Eww. Impossible to hold it in, so bacterial wipes a definite must.

2 girls and a guy doing the nasty in one of the disabled toilets while my bladder nearly burst - Ah young love

Free dodgem cars - need I say more

Free water. Nothing fancy just necessary for survival

2 drinks per person, boo

Dammit I missed it!

There are still some shows happening over the country. Check out the site for more details.

xxx Festival Girl


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